What is with the Serpico thing?

I am extremely paranoid about being perceived as being arrogant or vein. With that said, I am arrogant and vein, but only in the way people with low self-esteme or self doubt are.
Not to long ago, the time came to change my instant messanger "handle". The handle contained the word "boy". Now I don't consider myself a "boy" then nor do I now. I simply named the "handle" after a Belle & Sebastian song I really liked. Anyhow, realizing that the name selected distracted from the main goal for which it was created, hooking up or meeting guys, I decided I needed a change.
I decided I needed a name that would evoke a sexy persona that guys could relate to and would conjure an image for them that I could roughly emulate. I remembered the Al Pacino film Cruisin' and thought, ok . . . um, no. But as I was searching on his name I came accross stills from Serpico a classic from about the same era. Now I had known about the film and the person on whom it was based, but I had never seen the film. As I looked through the stills and posters I was hooked. One great upside is that Pacino in the film goes from clean shaven to mustache to full beard and from short hair to long hair. I do the same general tranistion each year at least once. I figured if the image did conjure something positive for guys they would likely be into facial hair and frankly sort of scruffy guys.
Well that is most of the story of BrooklynSerpico. A couple people have picked up on it. Oh well, its post-modernism, i got to resemble someone. (I passed on the IRA soldier motif since terrorists are so not in now).
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