Bradly . . .

- a little whiskey on the gums to sooth the teething
- vicodin for the broken wrist after jumping off the bed
- ritalin because he is too much to handle all alone
- buy robitussin and gum to make it look normal
- beers from the bum who charges us double
- suck gas from the cool whip when mom falls asleep
- break it up and snort it like the guys on miami vice
- a little mary jane from d.j.'s dad's top drawer
- no one remembers if the rum is 1/2 full or 3/4 full
- ride our bikes cross-town and smoke it in cigar leaf like the guys we buy it from
- prozac because he is sad and tired all the time
- cigarettes cause we get our own booze now
- deadhead asshole finances his trip selling oregon kind
- acid or 'shrooms around shows
- take care of the losers and smoke for free with the money we make selling swag
- the supplier's got crank from the valley
- we drive out to bakersfield to help him out
- dude named ray ray shows us how to cook it
- ketamine from the punk girl who likes our fast songs
- the ecstasy from back east made us trip so hard we had to stop on a "turnpike" reststop
- cocaine from the old timer who missed us open his show
- heroin, "tying on the dinosaur tonight, it used to be so cool. . . one day i'm gonna lose the war"
At 7:36 AM,
David Saä V. Estornell said…
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