Tony likes to bareback teen rentboys!

I know this guy Tony. He works for the city. He is a bureaucrat in the office of procurement or some shit like that. Anyhow, as you can see from his instant messanger name he lives in Bensonhurst in a rather large apartment. Everything in his apartment is as cheesy as possible while still only being either white or black in colour (read porcelain dog sculpture).
Tony loves cocaine and hustlers. I met him in 1998 or 99 when guys still used AOL to hookup. I used think he sleaziness was kinda cool. He is kinda hot except that he is a jerk and has an almost incomprehensible Brooklyn accent.
Anyhow, I haven't hung out with him for like 3 or 4 years, but he still messages me from time to time to ask me about all the hot boys I fuck. Sometimes I tell him the truth and sometimes I make shit up (depending on how I am doing). The other day Tony messages me to see if I'll join him when he buys this kid from Minnesota. Here is their conversation:
BensonhurstDude: hey, I like your pics. I send mine. i would love to chat with you.
BoiBabyBLue: hi, scort only here sorry if you're not interested... otherwise hit me back!
Bensonhurst: Dude. just might be. your are really cute
BoiBabyBlue: thanks!
BensonhurstDude: is that you getting fucked or you fucking in that pic?
BoiBabyBlue: hehe, ohyeah that one. me getting fucked
BensonhurstDude: nice, rates? into?
BoiBabyBlue: y don't you tell me what you want and we'll work something out
me getting fucked... rates depend on travel/what you want to etc... so why
don't you tell me what you want and we'll work something out
BensonhurstDude: i would love to fuck you. neg here. i can pick you up if you want.
where are you?
BoiBabyBlue: 200 for an hour but I'm not in NYC right now...
BensonhurstDude: damn, when you coming?
BoiBabyBlue: i'm moving back June 15th
BensonhurstDude: awesome, can't wait.
ill list you.
u have a sugar daddy you are moving in with or just taking care of stuff
on your own?
u perfer bareback?
BoiBabyBlue: i'm moving in with my bf, no sugar daddy just is extra
BensonhurstDude: cool, how much to BB and shoot my load inside?
BoiBabyBlue: 250 for bb 275 to cum inside
BensonhurstDude: done. u looking to get poz? just curious. 100% clean here.
BoiBabyBlue: no looking to NEVER EVER get poz
BensonhurstDude: awesome. how come you are moving to NYC?
BoiBabyBlue: I used to liev there moved away for a show and now am moving back
BensonhurstDude: cool, u are an actor?
BoiBabyBlue: yeah went to college out there
BensonhurstDude: cool, can't wait to meet you
BoiBabyBlue: awesome
Anyhow, Tony sent me the barebacking pic. This 19 year old kid really does do it. The pic up there isn't the one from Tony. I decided to just use the pic of a pornstar instead, but "BoiBabyBlue" is actually cuter than that kid. I figured I would blog about it to ensure that I won't do it. Plus I don't do coke anymore. Although I do have the kid's email and evidently he will be here soon! Comment if you want me to pass it on to you!