OK, I can't deny that I am not fascinated with young guys who are either A.) actively pursuing HIV infection or B.) passively allowing it through total disregard for even the most basic safe guards. Now it is true that just asking is not enough. An ex-fuckbuddy of mine tried the "take their word for it" method of safer sex and he is now spending the money he used to spend on tuition on anti-retrovirals.
Anyhow, a couple weeks back I was supposed to hook up with this new guy. I went to meet him and he ditched me. I am pretty sure that he found another guy just minutes after he told me to come over and didn't have the courage to just tell me, so he went sneaking around to avoid me and hook up with him. Now this is bad form and cowardly (although I will admit the other guy was hotter -- I saw him in the vestibule -- but that is not the point).
Anyhow a couple nights later I saw another one of his postings and I was tempted to cause him to lose an hour of his life traveling to and from some location near by just to exact my revenge. This time he was looking to "party" and get fucked raw. Here is how the exchange went. I posed as a guy with a good drug dealer willing to get him high and bareback him.
FakeDudeJosh@Yahoo.com:whatsup? still hosting?
got a face pic?
u neg?
hotbbbottom@gmail.com:yeah when are u free?
FakeDudeJosh@Yahoo.com:ah, poz here u neg? into that?
hotbbbottom@gmail.com:im not sure i dont care if youre poz when are u free where at?
FakeDudeJosh@Yahoo.com:bushwick, u host or travel? live alone? got FG? BF?
hotbbbottom@gmail.com:single u? live alone.... ridgewood.... prefer host for anon fuk u? how hung??? u part or use poppers?
FakeDudeJosh@Yahoo.com:looking to host here, i would want to cum inside you. u chasing?
hotbbbottom@gmail.com:whats chasing mean? do u party at all?
FakeDudeJosh@Yahoo.com:chasing = looking to get poz. i am not in aids drugs yet so my viral load is pretty high.
i have some coke here, but wasn't looking to get into that on a weeknight. got work tomorrow.
maybe another day.
u into groups?
hotbbbottom@gmail.com:love groups who else u got in mind to play with? howhung are u... more pics? im just not sure of my status so i really dont care
FakeDudeJosh@Yahoo.com:got guys in the hood here into groups. one guy who pozzed me up. i am sure he would love to meet you.
about 7". u have more pics? face?

hotbbbottom@gmail.com:u have their pics? how olds he? who else... let me know who u can get together might be fun to parrty some be hot to get a lil messed up and hae u pimp my ass out have it used by one guy after noather into that?
FakeDudeJosh@Yahoo.com:cool so you into traveling? they are older, 34 and 41, into that? u into heavy ass play? fisting?
hotbbbottom@gmail.com:hmmm not really into older guys got a pic of the 34yo? may take fisting not sure want to have my ass whored out tho
FakeDudeJosh@Yahoo.com:he isn't online right now. ill have him send to you when he comes on if you want.
u looking for now? willing to travel?
hotbbbottom@gmail.com:ill travel but really prefer to do some partying and prefer u to have dudes lined up to use my ass
FakeDudeJosh@Yahoo.com:ok, i might have to meet my dealer in the city, you up late tonight?
got more face pics?
hotbbbottom@gmail.com:who deals to u? yeah im up late and off tomorrow so i can play all night... get some bois to come back from the city u got more pics?
FakeDudeJosh@Yahoo.com:i sent three you sent one.
ok, gonna head out in about thirty minutes, ski or Tina? anything else?
hotbbbottom@gmail.com:i really dont know much about partyin.... had something put in my butt once that felt good.....
So at this point I was feeling so sorry for him and at the same time so glad I didn't hookup with him in the first place that I couldn't bare to go through with my cruel vengence.[An hour later.]hotbbbottom@gmail.com:just call me when u get home walkin away from computer 202 489 5710