The Secret Machines . . .

Imagine if the rockin'est band you know played one of the best shows you have ever seen. Imagine yourself dancing and singing along, cheering and screaming until you voice fails. Imagine the show grows into an orgasmic crescendo of musical brilliance whose ultimate climax is only tempered by. . .
Now imagine all of this is happening as you are surrounded by the dead souls of music industry. Accountants in suits. Jaded A & R people who heard The Secret Machines once last March at 9am before a conference call about the Backstreet Boys retrospective album while listening to Clair from HR ramble on about the intricacies of direct deposit. The two pock marked web-designers who took the night off from their online roll playing games 'cause Mr. Stein's Nieces didn't want the tickets. What if no one around you cares that one of the greatest raw talents in the world of rock is putting on a legendary performance? Is it the same? Does it feel the same? Do you wonder why you are the only one dancing? Why no one knows the words to the songs? Does the moment feel the same if you aren't lost in it? If you are thinking about it this hard, isn't it already ruined?
I fell in love with TSM at Webster Hall. I went on a whim and a strong recommendation from an old bandmate. They literally blew the roof off the place (OK, sorry, they figuratively blew the roof off the place -- I hate when people say literally when they mean figuratively). They were supporting their album Now Here is Nowhere. That album is responsible for at least 1% of my hearing loss. It is that good. I spent a lot of time warming up to the new album, Ten Silver Drops. It is everything that I loved TSM for NOT being; careful, contemplative, cerebral. I want to be the last person to criticize an artist for taking a direction they feel is right, but if they really think it is right, take it to the fans.
I doubt if anyone from their organization will see this post, but I want to make my challenge public! Right here! On a blog that almost 100 people have seen! You guys need to play a show that takes you back to your roots. Come to the Polish National Home, just a mile or so from you beloved Bushwick. Do a cash only show. No velvet ropes, no record company people, and no friends of Christine! Rock like you mean it! Rock like you care!
The Secret Machines/Hiro Ballroom/Maritime Hotel/April 26,2006
The Secret Machines/Hiro Ballroom/Maritime Hotel/April 26,2006
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